Tuesday, November 1, 2011

18 Years

Setting the Stage ...

Fall 1993 – Florida College – Sadie Hawkins
There was “this guy” who sat behind me in chapel.  We talked a little bit BUT for the most part our talking was because he was ALWAYS picking on me … pulling my hair, messing with my chapel seat, taking my books, etc. – you get the point.  It was Sadie Hawkins which meant the girls had to ask the guys to fall banquet.  During breakfast one day “this guy’s” friend was inquiring who I was going to ask to fall banquet … he suggested I ask “his friend” – you know to “just go as friends” … I agreed.  Asking day came and I went to the local card store to purchase the “asking prop”.  Back in the day those stuffed animals in balloons were a BIG thing so I bought a soft, stuffed brown dog with big floppy ears, tied a note written in calligraphy around his neck and had it all put inside a balloon.  The best part was that “this guy” worked as a night watchman and was going to be on shift until midnight.  I made arrangements with his roommate to have the balloon sitting on his bed when he came in from his night watch shift.  So “this guy” had to go a whole day of seeing each other in chapel, at meals and in class BUT never once did I say a word about fall banquet.  Rumor was that “this guy” was nervous ALL DAY LONG that I had changed my mind and wasn’t going to ask him.  Shortly after midnight I received a phone call from “this guy” saying he would be more than happy to go to fall banquet with me!!  Our official “first date” was on “guy be nice to girl day” – Byron took me out to dinner, then to a movie and then we finished our date with hot chocolate and HOT Krispy Kreme Doughnuts.  Little did I know that just two years later on our “anniversary” Byron asked me to marry him … so I guess you can say the rest is history!! 

My constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward.

In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow.

I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.

Fall 1993

June 21, 1997

March 19, 2011
To this day Byron LOVES to pick on me and when I get mad or frustrated with him he reminds me that it all began with him picking on me!!  I thank God EVERY day for the blessing he sent my way 18 years ago ... even when he is picking on me!! 

I know it's been awhile since I have updated and hopefully I will be back SOON with a post about what has been going on in the Davis household ... I have been trying not to devote as much time and energy to the internet and to pour that time and energy into more meaningful and important things in my life ... things that will be beneficial to both me, my family and most of all my commitment to the Lord!!